Actual Handwriting Necklace, Memorial Jewelry Your necklace will be made with the clearest engraving that will be in the actual penmanship style of the person (how each letter was written) on a beautifully polished bar.
C U S T O M ∙ H A N D W R I T I N G ∙ N E C K L A C E
• Charm: approx. 1.4" x 0.28" ( 36mm x 7mm)
P R O D U C T ∙ M A T E R I A L
• Charm Finish: Real 16K Gold Plated, Rhodium, Rose Gold.
• Chain Finish: Real 16K Gold Plated, Rhodium, Rose Gold.
T U R N ∙ A R O U N D ∙ T I M E
All items are custom made to order. Our turn around time is 1 business day.
• Domestic (U.S.): 3 - 5 business days
• International: 7 - 14 business days Please note: the "ship by" date on your invoice is NOT equivalent to the actual "delivery" date.