This is a great way to keep your special moments close to your heart. We can turn your loved ones handwriting, signature or fingerprint into a memorable piece, which you can take their handwriting with you where ever you go. Make the moment last by customizing one as a gift for someone you love.
I T E M . S P E C I F I C A T I O N S
• Charm 1/3 inch x 1 1/2 inch
P R O D U C T ∙ M A T E R I A L
• Charm Finish: Gold Plated / Silver Plated / Rose Gold Plated
T U R N ∙ A R O U N D ∙ T I M E
All items are custom made to order. Our turn around time is 1 business day.
• Domestic (U.S.): 3 - 5 business days
• International: 7 - 14 business days Please note: the "ship by" date on your invoice is NOT equivalent to the actual "delivery" date.